Friday, September 23, 2011

Who regulates the fast oil change places in lubbock texas?

I AM CONCERNED THAT ALL THESE FAST OIL CHANGE PLACES DO NOT USE THE SPECIFIC OIL CALLED FOR. I RECENTLY PUT MY CAR IN THE SHOP AND THEY ASKED ME HOW LONG IT HAD BEEN SINCE I HAD AN OIL CHANGE. (IT HAD ONLY BEEN 1 WEEK) MY CAR USES FULLY SYNTHETIC OIL (OR I THOUGHT IT WAS USING THAT, I HAVE BEEN PAYING FOR THAT) HE TOLD ME THAT MY OIL WAS VERY DIRTY AND IT THERE WAS NO WAY THEY USED FULLY SYNTHETIC. NOW , WHO AM I TO TRUST AND HOW DO I GO ABOUT UNDERCOVERING THE REAL TRUTH IN THIS SAGA?Who regulates the fast oil change places in lubbock texas?First, when I go to an oil change place, I put the cheap stuff in my old truck so I could care less what brand or type they put it. So, when I am there, I sit back and read the paper or watch t.v. The lousiest grade they have there has got to be better than what is left in my engine. The cheaper the better.

Now, if I was paying $10, $20, or more extra to have synthetic added (normally from a bottle instead of the bulk tank), then I would watch to insure that they were doing it. For $10 a quart, I want them to treat me like a fine wine connoisseur. They should pour it in a glass and let me take a whiff as I swirl it around, smelling the bouquet. Not only could someone cheat you out of the synthetic, it could just be a mistake on the outside person putting the wrong oil in. Not a lot, but mistakes do occur.

Now that you suspect that they have made a mistake or are cheating you, you should go back and investigate for yourself if you see people paying for synthetic, are they truly getting it? See if you can find someone that you know that uses the same place and also uses synthetic. Go with them and watch closely. If they are dishonest, demand that they change your oil correctly this time and watch them like a hawk. Then, if you have seen lots of evidence of fraud, report them to the BBB.

Good Luck
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