Friday, September 23, 2011

How to Change oil on 2001 Honda CR250R?

Just bought the bike wanna do a fresh oil change... Prev owner didnt give me the manual.. What kinda oils the best.. How much? and where on the bike.. First 2 stroke so im kinda lost.. Im mixing the gas a 50:1 ratio with Spectro 2 stroke mix.. Just wanna get new oil in the crankcase..How to Change oil on 2001 Honda CR250R?The oil that goes in there is TRANS OIL not gear oil. Just get yourself a bottle of the honda trans oil, it should take exactly one bottle to fill your trans.

Also there will be a check bolt in the side of the case, will be a 10 mm with a #3 phillips and will have a washer let any excess completely drain out that hole.How to Change oil on 2001 Honda CR250R?i suggest that you run a ratio of 32:1 for

your premix. the oil that go's in the

crank case is gear oil not motor oil.

there is a drain plug on the bottom of the

engine.How to Change oil on 2001 Honda CR250R?basically every rider has their own opinion on both transmission fluid and premix.

personally I use Castrol ATF in the transmission. it shifts smoother and gives better clutch feel than any gear oil I've tried. you change the oil by draining it through the bolt on the bottom of the motor and filing it in the cap on the right side engine case, down by the kickstarter. the amount to refill is stamped on the case by the cap in cc's

I like bel-ray synthetic premix.

since this is your first 2 stroke and you probably won't be riding it real hard yet, 50:1 is probably alright, personally I would mix it at 40:1. more oil means more friction protection, period. I always used 32:1 in my 125 but its a higher revving engine and i rode it hard.

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